Guidelines and Suggested Format of This Forum
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Guidelines and Suggested Format of This Forum
Use this forum if you are seeking or offering up your talent.
Use the appropriate collaboration forums if you have something more solid in mind.
Or use both!
Suggested format for offering up your talent
I am = "insert talent here"
I can put in "xx" hours per week
My age = "" (over or under 18 should be sufficient)
Pay = "50% of revenue"
You can see some of my work here "URL"
(Exclude/Include any other details that may apply)
Suggested format for seeking talent
I am seeking = "insert talent here"
My age = "" (over or under 18 should be sufficient)
Pay = "50% of revenue"
Requirements = "list any"
The project is about = "explain a bit about it"
Your work load would be = "this"
(Exclude/Include any other details that may apply)
Use the appropriate collaboration forums if you have something more solid in mind.
Or use both!
Suggested format for offering up your talent
I am = "insert talent here"
I can put in "xx" hours per week
My age = "" (over or under 18 should be sufficient)
Pay = "50% of revenue"
You can see some of my work here "URL"
(Exclude/Include any other details that may apply)
Suggested format for seeking talent
I am seeking = "insert talent here"
My age = "" (over or under 18 should be sufficient)
Pay = "50% of revenue"
Requirements = "list any"
The project is about = "explain a bit about it"
Your work load would be = "this"
(Exclude/Include any other details that may apply)
RabidBeaver- Storm
- Posts : 162
Join date : 2014-11-14
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